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Q-What is a cataract?

When the lens of the eye becomes opaque it is called a cataract.

The lens is a natural structure located in between the front (cornea) and back (retina) areas of the eye. It is a transparent structure which focuses the light from the surrounding onto the retina. When this clear lens becomes cloudy it is called a cataract.

Q-Why does cataract form?
The cataract forms due to the changes occurring during aging. There is an accumulation of insoluble proteins in the lens. This disrupts the normal functioning of the lens and causes it to become opaque. The process is often accelerated by diseases like diabetes.
Q-Can young people get cataract?
Cataract mostly occurs in older people. About 70-80% of the people above the age of 60 years have a cataract.

However sometimes a child may have a cataract from birth which is called a congenital cataract. Also some adults may get cataract earlier because of diseases like diabetes or due to eye trauma and inflammation.
Q-I have a cataract. Can I wait for a while or do I require surgery urgently?
If the cataract is early, then there is no urgency in operating the cataract. The cataract generally progresses slowly and one might be quite comfortable with a spectacle correction. However if the cataract is advanced, or if the drop in vision because of the cataract is affecting ones daily activities, then it is a good idea to have the cataract removed as soon as possible.
Q-Is cataract surgery a 'big' surgery?


Every surgery has its set of risks and complications. Cataract surgery is not an exception. However cataract surgery is a very commonly performed surgery and the percentage of complications is comparatively very low.
Q-Can I put some eye drops to make the cataract go away?


There is no eye drop or medication found that can make the lens clear or transparent again. Thus surgery is the treatment of a cataract.


Are both eyes treated at the same time?

Literature has shown that LASIK is an extremely safe procedure and sight threatening complications are rare. Patients normally prefer to have both eyes treated at one sitting and get back to work faster. This practice is followed world wide. However if the patient feels more comfortable getting only one eye treated at each session, this can be done without any additional cost to the patient.

Will my number get fully corrected at the time of LASIK?
The laser is set so as to reshape your cornea to eliminate your number completely. However during the healing process the eyes of each person may heal slightly differently. Thus it is possible that you may have a small residual number. Usually this does not make it necessary for you to wear glasses for routine work.
Are the results of the Lasik procedure permanent?
The correction of vision done by LASIK is permanent. However LASIK has no effect on the natural progression of your number. This is why we only perform LASIK in patients whose number has been stable for at least one year.
If required, can LASIK be performed again?
If the objectives of visual correction are not met with in the first surgery, a second, or enhancement procedure can usually be performed to provide additional correction. Most people do not require additional surgery, but the higher the amount of correction necessary, the greater is the possibility of needing an enhancement procedure. The surgeon and the patient together assess this need and make the decision about further surgery.
Will I require reading glasses?


After LASIK surgery you will be able to see all distant objects clearly. Since LASIK cannot arrest the normal aging process of the body, you may require glasses for reading at around 40-45 years. Sometimes it may be possible to correct one eye for distance and the other eye for near vision if you so desire. This is called monovision.
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